Your Questions, Answered
Do you take my insurance?
What are your fees?
Individual counseling sessions are $150 for a 50 minute session. Couples counseling sessions are 80 minutes for a rate of $225. Prepare//Enrich couples counseling has an additional $35 fee for a customized couples assessment and a couples workbook.
Payment may be made by:
Credit card
Reduced fee counseling slots are available on a limited basis if my full fee would cause you to undergo financial hardships. Please use the contact form or my email laceyburch4@gmail.com to inquire.
Many insurance providers offer "Out-of-Network Benefits," for some counseling services. This means that your insurance may offer to cover partial or complete coverage of services if you choose to see a therapist that is Out-of-Network. If you contact your providers customer service line(the number is likely on the back of your insurance card) they should be able to provide you with the details on what is covered and what information you would need to submit for reimbursement for your costs. This can help cut down on your out of pocket costs for therapy.
My services are private pay for 3 reasons:
1. Confidentiality-Insurance companies require the use of Electronic Records Systems. By using these systems your information can make its way to 3rd party insurances companies which can increase the risk for information to be handled inappropriately. Additionally, there are a number of reasons, such as a federal background check, in which your insurance may disclose a diagnosis.
2. Insurance Requires Diagnosis-For insurance to cover counseling sessions, diagnosis is required, even if one might not be appropriate! If a couple were to come in for assistance with communication, insurance would require one person receive a diagnosis for counseling to be covered. I believe you should have the opportunity to receive the treatment you need without labels.
3. You Should Have Input On Your Treatment-Therapy is a very personal process and you should have input on the nature and course of your treatment. Maybe that means having session once a week, maybe it means session once a month. For insurance to cover sessions, they would determine the frequency and length of treatment. I believe you should be empowered not just in determining the content of sessions, but in the structure of services as well.